Surviving Our Hospital Stay

This book is written from the perspective of a mother desperate to save her child and family during a sudden medical crisis. Even though I have worked as a chaplain in a Children’s Hospital, adult hospitals, skilled nursing facilities and in home care settings with hospice patients, this book is not written from the perspective of a chaplain.

I became a Chaplain after this experience, hoping that my firsthand experience would give me a unique way of serving patients and families. I wrote as a Christian mother. I drew upon my faith in my time of need for my son and my family in the only way I knew how. I learned rich lessons and I believe they are worthy to be shared.

While most of the lessons transcend the age of the patient, some lessons are specifically for parents with sick children. When my two year old son became seriously ill suddenly, there were moments I thought I would lose my mind. Nevertheless, God kept me. God showed me things. He comforted me. His Word says that He is the God of all comfort, and He proved that during our three month hospital stay.

AJ's Miracle

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