Self Publishing

First 5 Steps

By Janine Folks

1. Get the idea.

Ideas are all around us. Whether it dropped in your spirit or you sought it out, your book idea must be good. If it interests you, there is likely an audience for what you want to share. Explore your idea and think of ways it can be relatable to the masses. Your idea should be relevant to life and offer introspection and enlightenment that will enhance and enrich the lives of your readers. Move forward with the idea of blessing lives with your words. Tell your story well. Teach through your story just as Jesus did through parables. Teach and impart to your readers with life changing information. Share what you know and what you have found through research. It’s time to activate your scribe anointing.

2. Dump it.

Even if you don’t know where to begin with this idea, begin to release it by writing. Brainstorm with a brain dump where you write down every thought and idea that you want to convey. It doesn’t have to make sense or be organized at this phase. As you release the thoughts on paper or or screen, ideas will come to you with regard to how you want to get the information across and how you will organize it. It will amazingly come together. If you find yourself having ‘writer’s block,’ don’t force words. Allow words to come to you and you take dictation. When the time is right and when you are ready, the words will come freely, divinely. 

3. Organize. Tweak.

Once you have all of your information or your story, put it together. Put it in a way that it will make sense to readers. Check for flow and clarity. Let a couple of trusted friends review it to check for tone, flow, accuracy, voice, quality, etc… You may have to repeat this process a couple of times to ensure high quality. If you don’t have anyone to review your work, it might be worth paying a professional editor or proofreader to review your book. As writers, we are usually blind to our own errors. Others will catch things we overlook. This happens in life too. We all need accountability partners. 

4. Layout.

Make sure that all of the elements of a book are included. Copyright © page. Disclaimers. If you are unsure of what to include or too busy to do this, it might be worth hiring someone to put your book together for you. Create a PDF file of your book. Make sure it’s proofread and exactly what you are ready to present to the world. 

5. Publish.

Since learning of Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), I wouldn’t go any other route for self publishing. It is the most cost effective that I have found. This allows your book to be sold on Amazon, where you get monthly royalties, and you can order printed copies (wholesale) to sell yourself at events or through your business at your determined price.  You are now a published author with global reach!!!  Next up: MARKETING YOUR BOOK.  Brought to you by:  Your self publishing partner/coordinator. For information on assistance with layout and KDP set up, visit or email inquiry to 

3 Primary Phases of Self Publishing 

  1. Writing the book.

    This is where your creativity and gift come in. This is where you share what’s in your heart and mind in your own unique way. This is where you pour your heart out and unload. You tweak how you want to convey your message. Compile the content and organize it. This also includes thorough proofreading, good editing and review checking for errors. You are getting the book ready for production. 
  2. Publishing the book.

    This is the production piece where your creative content is formatted and beginning to take the form of an actual book. Final review and content approval happens here before printing. Printing is a part of this phase as well as e-book and Amazon set up.
  3. Marketing the book.

    This is where you sell, sell, sell. These are your efforts to get people interested in reading what you have to say. You can use all kinds of events to promote your book: Speaking engagements, pop up shops, most social settings where it’s appropriate to bring it up, conversation starters, a tool for your business and credibility as an expert in your field. Post regularly on social media. Advertise. Send out press releases. Have a book launch. Go on talk shows or podcasts. There are many ways to promote your book. Do it everywhere and often.  

Get the Pen

Helps with Phase 2: Publishing.

Here is a checklist that will make the process smooth: 

  • Complete book writing, editing and proofreading
  • Email to GTP
  • Book is formatted
  • Book is reviewed/proofread by two other people who have not read the book. The proofreadingn piece is very important. 
  • The first rounds of proofreading catches many errors. Please do not be alarmed by this. With diligence, we will try to catch as many as possible.
  • Approve final edits
  • Final Proofreading. Review again for any errors. 
  • Book cover design
  • Book summary is written
  • Author bio is written
  • Author photo
  • Make any corrections
  • Sign off with approval for production
  • Author must set up KDP account with login, fill out a 1099 Tax Form and enter bank account information for royalties to be direct deposited monthly after a 3 month delay
  • Amazon set up (paperback and ebook)
  • Monitor KDP to see when book goes live
  • Once a book is LIVE, author copies can be ordered and promoted on social media, via text, email, all forms of communication.
  • Authors can post or send a link to receive orders through Amazon. 

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